Right of withdrawal

Duci Watches e.K, Rudolfplatz 3, 50674 Cologne

Status: 05/12/2023


With this cancellation policy, we comply with our obligation to provide information in accordance with § 312d Paragraph 1 BGB in conjunction with Art. 246a § 1 Paragraph 2 and 3 EGBGB by informing you about the conditions, deadlines and the procedure for canceling purchase contracts for goods in our online shop below inform www.watch-atelier.de.



  1. According to § 312g Abs. 1 BGB, consumers are entitled to a 14-day legal right of cancellation according to § 355 BGB in distance contracts, ie also when buying goods in online shops.


  1. There is no right of withdrawal for sealed goods.
  2. According to Section 312g Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 BGB, a consumer has no right of cancellation in the case of a contract concluded outside of business premises or in the case of a distance contract if goods are manufactured specifically for a customer or tailored to their personal needs.


  • The cancellation period is 14 days. Sending the revocation in time is sufficient for the Deadline. The cancellation period begins with the purchase of consumer goods,
  1. which does not fall under letters b to d as soon as the consumer or a third party named by him who is not a carrier has received the goods,
  2. where the consumer has ordered several goods as part of a single order and the goods are delivered separately as soon as the consumer or a third party designated by him who is not the carrier has received the last goods,
  3. where the goods are delivered in several partial shipments or pieces as soon as the consumer or a third party named by the consumer who is not the carrier has received the last partial shipment or the last piece,
4. aimed at the regular delivery of goods over a specified period of time as soon as the consumer or a third party designated by him who is not a carrier has received the first goods.


1. The revocation takes place by means of a declaration to the entrepreneur. The declaration must clearly state the consumer's decision to withdraw from the contract.

2. The revocation does not have to contain a reason. The revocation can be declared in any form (e.g. letter, e-mail, telephone). The consumer can also use the attached sample withdrawal form for this, but this is not mandatory.



1. The consumer and the entrepreneur are no longer bound by their declarations of intent to conclude the contract if the consumer has revoked his declaration of intent in a timely manner.

2. The services received are to be returned after 14 days at the latest.



1. The entrepreneur must also return any payments made by the consumer for the delivery. This does not apply if the consumer has incurred additional costs because he has opted for a different type of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery offered by the entrepreneur.

2. For the repayment, the entrepreneur must use the same means of payment that the consumer used for payment. This does not apply if something else has been expressly agreed and the consumer does not incur any costs as a result.

3. The trader may refuse repayment until he has received the goods back or the consumer has provided proof that he has sent the goods. This does not apply if the entrepreneur has offered to collect the goods. The consumer is not obliged to return the received goods if the entrepreneur has offered to collect the goods.



1. Goods with a value of more than 2,000 euros (especially watches) are picked up by the entrepreneur by a courier. A return by the consumer is excluded.

2. Collection can take place Monday to Friday within an agreed time window, if desired. The consumer receives a shipping label, which is to be attached to the delivered packaging.



The consumer bears the direct costs of returning the goods. This does not apply to watches with a value of more than €2,000. 

Returns must be sent to the following address:

Duci Watches e.K

Duc Anh Nguyen 

Johanniterstraße 25

51065 Cologne



1. The consumer must pay compensation for a loss in value of the goods if the loss in value is due to the handling of the goods that was not necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

2. In the case of vacuum-packed watches, the vacuum packaging must not be removed. The removal of the vacuum packaging leads to a loss of value for which the consumer must pay compensation. The same goes for removing a security band.

3. Unprotected watches may only be tried on, but not worn. Wearing the watch leads to a loss in value, for which the consumer must pay compensation. Please note that even the smallest marks or scratches on watches will have to be paid for in the event of a return. We therefore strongly recommend not to remove the vacuum or other seals!!!



withdrawal form

To: Duci Watches e.K, Rudolfplatz 3, 50674 Cologne

I hereby revoke the contract I have concluded for the following goods:

Designation: ______________________________

Ordered on: ______________________________

Consumer's name: ______________________________

Consumer's address: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________



Signature of the consumer (only if notification is on paper)


You can use the cancellation form below, but it is not mandatory.